We all need a little 'mommy' time occasionally and I'm grateful that my children still reach out for it once in awhile. And I'm so thankful that my own mother is alive and doing well and that I get to have frequent conversations with her. My own 'mommy' time. I still get to appreciate hearing her voice and her funny little giggle, listen to her jokes (again), hear stories of her childhood and life (again). They may seem old and tired, but I can't imagine no longer getting to hear her tell them, or missing her laugh, or seeing her face, or having her hold me when I cry. She's in her 80s. But, for now, I can keep her close to me. I try to be sure she knows how grateful I am for her, for the memories and for the moments that have made a difference. I didn't always do that while I was making my way through adulthood and raising children. I'm sure I neglected her and sometimes I wasn't all that kind with my words and actions. I regret that I sat in judgment at times, unable to be generous and to forgive her for being human. Now I must work on forgiving myself...for being human, for being young.
My life continues to evolve. I receive love, critique, affection and understanding from my family. Those are the gifts of my motherhood. A bonus is my kids' amazing spouses. I am so proud to claim them as my family, too. They will always have my heart and my support.
And my grandchildren, one of the last big perks of motherhood. Oh, how marvelous, to embrace your children when they become parents and begin their own journey. If my good fortune continues, I'll be around to hold and rock my grandchildren's babies, too!
In the final count, motherhood rates as my very favorite story. My story. The story of you, the mothers, our children, grandchildren, our mothers and the generations of women before them.
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