Okay, there was that one time during labor that Doug, in a deep state of exhaustion, drifted to sleep. Destyn, having endured many, many hours of grueling labor and herself exhausted, hissed at Doug,
"Are you going to do something or just sleep?!!?"
Poor Doug attempted to shake himself awake and into a functional state of helpfulness, tried to figure out what she wanted him to do. Difficult under the circumstances. A good laugh recalling this story.
Destyn and Doug survived and welcomed their most marvelous gift.
I have been blessed and honored to be Harrison's trusted caregiver this past year while Mommy and Daddy juggle work and family life. He is a delightful, sweet little person with an hilarious sense of humor that just lights up the room and keeps us laughing. How lucky I am to be graced by this new, rambunctious, bundle of life and love.
Harrison will be welcoming a baby sister or brother in April 2014! What surprising and fabulous news! I laughed till I cried, thankful for my life and for those who are in my circle of love. Sometimes, I feel the need to pinch myself!
The story continues...
Recently, my daughter and her little family moved out of state for a job opportunity. Though truly heartbroken by their departure, I'm so grateful for the many moments shared with this sweet little boy. It's a bond that will hopefully continue to grow for many years to come.
They now live a few hours away, as my wheels hit the road, or just an hour if I fly with the birds. I will now become a frequent traveler, dust or feathers in my hair.